A first session begins with a brief discussion of your medical history, moving on to your current symptoms, lifestyle and any issues you would like addressed. This will help to inform the Shiatsu. You will then be treated lying comfortably on a padded mat on the floor, fully clothed.
I will use gentle and deep pressure, using my thumbs, palms, sometimes elbows, knees or feet, and my body weight. I may rotate your limbs and/ or gently explore the movement of your joints.
Treatments can vary from gentle, relaxing and restorative, to playful, energising and dynamic, depending on what is needed at the time. They can be subtle and powerful and often engender a feeling of deep relaxation.
The first session takes 1.5 hours (charged as a Standard Session), and each session thereafter are 1hr, allowing an additional 15 minutes on top of this for discussion.